Concurrent Session: Ingredient and nutrition research update
Date & Time
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 1:30 PM - 4:10 PM
Jennifer MacLean, Ph.D. Sharon Norton Michelle Sandau William Schoenherr

1:30-2:00 p.m. - Cricket protein: Novel results from canine and feline maintenance trialsJennifer Maclean, Ph.D., Aspire Food Group

2:05-2:35 p.m. - Specialty pet food formulations: Bridging the gap between emotions and scienceMichelle Sandau, Ph.D., AFB International

3:05-3:35 p.m. - Through pet parent eyes: Validating postbiotic efficacy with an in-home concept and usage method—Sharon Norton, Ph.D., Diamond V/Cargill

3:40-4:10 p.m. - Protein hydrolysate innovations for pet foodBill Schoenherr, Prairie AquaTech

Location Name
Kansas City Convention Center - Room 2505