Safe Meetings
Petfood Forum staff and vendor partners are working closely with the State of Missouri and local health officials in Kansas City, in tandem with the Kansas City Convention Center to produce a safe, in-person event for all to enjoy. We are monitoring the situation and will be providing the most up to date information as it becomes available, here on this website. Upcoming communications will also help to keep attendees and exhibitors informed.
Current Guidelines for Kansas City, MO
In tandem with CDC guidelines, masks are required in indoor spaces of public accommodation within Kansas City, Missouri, regardless of vaccination status. The City Council has voted to extend the mandate to Sept. 23 and will consider further modifications as circumstances change. The mask mandate applies to all persons aged five and older. The Kansas City Convention Center is following the recommendations of the Kansas City Department of Health, the Governor of Missouri and the Mayor of Kansas City. The Kansas City Convention Center has achieved STAR accreditation from the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), recognizing a higher standard for proper cleaning protocols, disinfection techniques and work practices in place to combat biohazards and infectious disease.
We continue to be very excited for the upcoming event and look forward to the opportunity to see everyone soon.
Use the links below to access specific local and travel requirements and recommendations.
>> Current guidelines for Kansas City, Missouri.
COVID testing in Kansas City:
Petfood Forum On-Site COVID-19 Testing
- Thursday, Sept. 23 from 10 am – 2 pm
- Located in Lobby 2200
- PCR Test with saliva EUA testing
- No appointment necessary, walk ups welcome
- Test results will be emailed at 9 pm on Thursday, Sept. 23
- $175 per test. No credit cards accepted on site. An invoice will be sent along with the test results allowing online payments.
Truman Medical Center
2301 Holmes St, Kansas City, MO 64108
816-404-2273, option #3
Just a short 7-minute drive from Convention Center. No appointment requirement. No patient restrictions. Please call first so that Truman Medical Center can begin the registration process prior to testing. Results will be shared within 24-48 hours.
Travel information:
- International travel during COVID-19 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Country specific travel information by U.S. Department of State - Bureau of Consular Affairs
- COVID-19 related travel restrictions across U.S. borders with Canada and Mexico
- Passports and travel during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Proclamation on the suspension of entry